Goose Creek SC   843-324-4719

Parent's Night Out

Jan 22nd from 5pm-9pm

-click here for info -

What would be a fair price training program that offers Life Skills, self-defense training, printable materials, a 24/7 video library and one-on-one training from a professional Black Belt, all from the safety and comfort of your own home?    

Here's the deal...  One-One-One lessons with a qualified black belt can be over $100 or $200 per hour.  With this hybrid style system, you can do your stretching, exercises, warm ups, etc via already recorded video or in live classes offered six days per week, your one-on-one lessons can be super condensed and be extremely beneficial.

Our Silver membership is normally just $35 week  , and you'll see this is a tremendous value for you and your family.  We even have special discounts for families who wish to train together!

Also, ask about our Membership upgrade programs including Leadership, more one-on-one lessons,  fast-track training and additional resources.

Some of our members enjoy additional discounts for paid in full memberships.  We even offer a referral scholarship:  FREE Virtual Training when you refer others.  Be sure to ask!

Who will teach me?

Will I learn from a qualified instructor?

So, how does this work?

How am I going to be able to benefit from this the most?

LIVE CLASSES- You'll have access to our LIVE classes two days per week on Thursdays at 6pm and Saturday mornings at 9am via an online conference calling application where you can see your instructor and other students, and they can see you!  This way, you can learn by example from the other students and they can learn from you!  You'll also get real time feedback on your progress from your instructor!

LIVE COMMUNITY SERVICE CLASSES-  We are big on helping our community.  We provide a FREE live facebook class every Wednesday at 6pm.  This way, we can share our martial arts with everyone from all walks of life.  We encourage our students to attend this class as well, like, comment and share so we can help direct others to the martial arts lifestyle

CHARACTER AND VALUES LESSONS-  You or your child will not only enjoy the Karate Classes, learning proven methods of real self-defense.  Every month, we have a specific character lesson that will help your child to become a better version of themselves like focus, self-discipline, perseverance, indomitable spirit, and others.

EVER-EXPANDING VIDEO LIBRARY - You'll have access to an ever-expanding video library with videos of blocks, punches, kicks, strikes, footwork, exercises, solo and partner drills, self-defense techniques,  Martial Arts forms and practice sets, history lessons and character development videos.

IN-DEPTH PRINTABLE MATERIALS - You'll have access to printable manuals which provide written explanations to jog your memory and provide additional resource support for you in your training.

INDIVIDUAL CRITIQUE AND ONE-ON-ONE SESSIONS - You'll have access to a 20 minute virtual session with a Black Belt Instructor every week to go over your material, check your progress, help you make corrections and help with any struggles the student may be facing.   You'll even receive a video copy of your lesson along with notes on improvement from the instructor so you can watch the lesson over and over again!

Does this take the place of in-person training?

Does it work?

OMG, it must cost a small fortune, right?
How can I afford this?
WOW!  I'm excited!  I know we are going to LOVE this!

How do I get started!?

It's easy!  Just set your first 15-minute virtual appointment with me, Mr. Nick.  It's FREE!  You'll get to learn some Martial Arts basics and what you can expect from our program.  Then, we'll schedule you for your first free trial class.  We want to make sure you love what we offer before you make any commitment. 

Virtual Training is here!

Absolutely!  In fact, our founder has over 35 years of training in the Martial Arts.  Not only that, he's taught thousands of people right here in Goose Creek for over 15 years now. 

Mr. Nick has a great reputation as an instructor and has high standards for his students.  You can rest assured you'll learn a great Self Defense Program, and even pick up some other tips for success and character to improve your life!

2020 and what we can do with technology is amazing!  We can now offer live, real-time training through our student portal.  You'll learn from a real Martial Arts Instructor and can view other students during class. It's just like being in our studio.  Instead of watching a video or a feed, you'll get an interactive and dynamic training experience.

This option is perfect for students who have moved away but want to continue their training.  It's also a great solution for students with compromised immune systems, or those who have concerns with in-person training, to continue to learn from the safety of their own home.

There's so much we can do with technology today.  Unfortunately, until we can plug in our brains and download Kung Fu, nothing will truly replace in-person training in a class with others who are striving to achieve excellence.  That said, however, this Live Class / Virtual Library / One-On-One hybrid is the closest thing to a live training experience you'll get.

You'll even be able to test for your belt ranks over the internet.  Of course, our students will be allowed to attend any group classes that we provide at our facility in Goose Creek, it won't be required. 

existing students